Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A word thats making a comeback...


This Post contains extreme course language.

Anyone below the age of 14 and people who dont like the word cunt do not read on.

I have noticed in my casual viewing of todays fine Movies and tv that the word CUNT is becoming more and more popular.

This first came to my attention when i was watching crank and the character says the following:

Cheve Chelios:Do I look liek i got CUNT written on my forhead(Cunt appears as he says it)

Another time it has caught my attention is on the newest season of dexter, where the trinity killer says it a total of 4 times over the season.
Heres some of the most hilarious times

there is also another time on the newest season of family guy which goes like the following

(no video available)

Women: oh winston, drunk again i see

Winston: yes well your a cunt

and again with the magic word lol

so for everyone who doesnt like that word...expect to see alot of it in this decade