Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ex Girlfriends

I hate having ex girlfriends. It is always a constant reminder that somewhere along the lines, you screwed up and she had to exacuate.

Unlike most guys tho, i am friends with every single girl that has ever, for some strange reason, agred to be my girlfriend.

Most of these relationships were only like, 2 weekers and i saw them twice.
In a way i think that them being your girlfriend stops you having a proper friendship.
When there your girlfriend your too worried on " what if i say this" or "Ohh what if they think im trying to indicate sex and they get freaked out and leave me"

These kinds of things are always a factor with me because of my sense of humour.
But when im not with them i feel i can say whatever i want.

Jus tthe other day i randomly said the most serious girlfriend i ever had( We shall call her ron) about me putting a baby inside of her, and doing her anally.

i would not have the balls to even JOKE about penial penatration with her, nowdays i feel i can just say what ever comes to mind.

In a way, it feels like me and her being boyfriend and girlfriend, stopped me from actually getting to kno the person, i na wierd fucked up way.
Quite honestly, once i really really think about it, i felt like i was dating a stanger. Liek we talked everynight and i knew what she liked and her language on msn and all her little signs and she knew what i liked and all that crap, but i actually didnt KNOW her.
She pretty much was a alright friend i hung out with every weekend that i kissed occasionly.

Now days though, i find myself talking to her everynight on msn, not because im trying to "GET IN" but because i am fucking bored and i have discovered she is actually a pretty cool person to talk to.

That is only my most serious girlfriend.

I keep in contact with all my exes once i think about it

Girlfriend number 2-A few times this year i have asked her to hang out with me because i am bored and so was she. I asked her to see a movie the other day because i had no one to go with, and she came. The most amazing thing in my feelings there are neatural aswell, its like going to the cinema or hanging out with one of my guy mates.

One thing is i always dont remembered what ended all these little 2 weekers, but in a way i am glad becasue i wouldnt have half the female friends and connections i do today....

so in a way this blog is thanking my exes for dumping me.....or me dumoing them...or however it happened

becasue then i dont think we would even be good friends

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